Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Welcome -

I attended a visitation this past week for a friends' husband who passed away at the age of 52 leaving behind 4 kids and his wife. While I didn't really know this gentleman all of the pictures and videos told his story quite well. He had spent loads of time doing things with his family such as camping, being the boy's scout master (for 20 years!) and boating. During the time he was declining in health he made a DVD of special moments from his lifetime. His wife didn't know about this until he passed but the video looped constantly at the funeral home. While sad in a way, it showed that he seemed that he made the most of every day. There were pictures of so many family events & great times. This made me think - am I making the most of my days???

I am realizing that so many of us wait around for this or that to start. Examples:

  • I will start (blank) next week
  • I will get in shape for a vacation
  • I really want to (blank) someday
  • I want to go to (blank)
  • Life will be better when (blank)

While there is nothing wrong with having goals or planning ahead it seems to be a waste of time and energy to feel that is when things will really "start" or be "better".

Great quote here:
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

- John Lennon, "Beautiful Boy"
English singer & songwriter (1940 - 1980)
I want to think about how to make the most of NOW. Yes, I may have long term goals as well but enjoying the journey is just as important. None of us are guaranteed a specific amount of time here so we may as well as make the most of ALL the time we have!

What are you waiting for and what are you enjoying now?